Broadway Bridge and Tunnel Test

The Broadway Bridge and Tunnel Test is our personal and highly opinionated Commuter's Guide to New York theater and cultural events, with an emphasis on Broadway and Off-Broadway theatrical productions. The test is simple: is an event worth the always expensive, time consuming, and too often horrendous struggle to commute to New York City from New Jersey, Long Island, Upstate New York or Connecticut? Only truly great or near-great performances and productions may meet this stiff challenge!

Location: Princeton, New Jersey, United States

James Camner is an antiquarian dealer of autographs, manuscripts and printed music and books of Opera, Classical Music, Theater, Dance, and Film, as well as a published author of more than 10 books on the performing arts including "How to Enjoy Opera" (Simon and Schuster), "The Great Opera Stars in Historic Photographs" (Dover), "Stars of American Musical Theater in Historic Photographs" (Dover - with Stanley Appelbaum); was for over 20 years a reviewer for Fanfare Magazine and has written feature articles and reviews for Opera News.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Brief Encounter, a musical play adapted by Emma Rice from Noel Coward's film, at the Roundabout Theatre Company. The staging is often magical, taking us in and out of film seemingly at will, as characters disappear into celluloid, the stage becomes a wonder of effects. Much of this is charming, this recreation of the Coward film, opened up with drama, song, and comedy. But more often it is tedious and unconvincing. The leads, attractive and well spoken, and gifted with fine singing voices, are leaden, hardly bringing us into their hearts and minds. The best element of this stew is the singing of classic Coward songs like "A Room With A View." The smaller characters are played with skill, but seem irrelevent, part of what seems like a heavy sales job. When the Warsaw Concerto pounds forth, the uber-Romantic music sounds like a joke. The theater was half-empty and no wonder. Broadway Bridge and Tunnel Test Grade. C.


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